
We are still tackling the problem of carrying morphine to Dubai, the Minister of Drugs has requested a letter from our health department to say that I need these drugs to combat the pain I am in.  I know I have probably grumbled about this subject before but to all those who, like us, who enjoy Dubai and take morphine beware.

All the times we travelled before to Dubai I always had a Doctors letter saying that I needed morphine for personal medical use but the laws have since changed and without an appropriate travel permit I could end up in jail.  The press have been alive again with stories of people being locked up for kissing in public, the other year it was a person with an aspirin stuck in the sole of his shoe.  It really isn't worth the risk of travelling without the proper stuff now, maybe before I wasn't quite legal but now I certainly couldn't afford to go without the consent of the Ministry.

Our GP wrote a letter for me which I duly sent over together with a current prescription, unfortunately this wasn't enough either.  Our GP telephoned last night to say that the PCT were unable to comply with attesting his letter.  Why is beyond my comprehension.  Last night I emailed Dr Owens at James Cook and at 8.00am this morning I had a letter .. our surgeons have more to do and their time is very important, so for him to take time out again to help is just unbelievable but really appreciated.  I have emailed this straight to the Minister and hope that this will do, then obviously the originals will need to be posted and then they will issue a travel permit.  We have no idea how this is done and whether or not we need to go to London to get the permit.  Lets hope all this can be done sooner rather than later, I would hope to be in Dubai within the month but who knows.

Out of desperation we tried for Barbados but flights from Manchester are once weekly and no seats available until end of April.  Gatwick with BA is a nono because of the strikes and where else is extremely hot, sunbeds with 3 inch cushions and guaranteed sunshine that doesn't rely on BA to get there.

One good bit of news I read in the paper yesterday, people with terminal cancer that want to try unauthorised treatments can now buy or pay for the treatment themselves but won't be thrown out of the NHS system, at least if you want an alternative chemo that isn't NICE approved the NHS will administer it as long as we provide it.  I would hope that any treatment gives us more than the 3 months which is a requirement by NICE.  heavens above, going through chemo to only get 3 months doesn't sound pleasant at all, especially if you are knocked silly by the chemo. 

Better get my backside in gear and get to work, will keep you upto date with the Travel Permit.
Post Title : Dubai




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