New Blog

I have decided to place a new blog on the website's Treatment page, this will enable an up todate reference point without having to revamp the website when we receive new info.

I would especially like to thank those in the meso circle for sending information to a new sufferer on Prof Vogl's treatments. 

My hubby said to me that the support network we have formed is amazing.  We may have to be 'Victims' as one of the circle said, but we can also be a good source of support and between us all we have a lot of knowledge that can help.

I believe by giving the various options and contact numbers or hospitals and Doctors, we are helping speed the process up and hopefully helping the new sufferer make a more informed decision on whether they take the normal route of chemotherapy, the more radical of surgery or the in between.

Mesothelioma is growing but so is the amount of information out there that can help.  If this virtual centre for Mesothelioma ever kicks off it would be interesting to see if they publish information on what is considered alternative treatments (cryo, chemoembolisation, rfa) or whether it will just publish the treatments available that have been tried and tested, at this moment alimta and surgery.

To the Meso Circle a big thank you, without all of us working together we don't have a voice.  Each person in my Meso Circle has probably formed their own meso circle and on and on it goes.  As long as information gets passed when needed then we have all done something to helping someone else.

I am honoured to be a part of this circle but like all of you I wish I'd never had to face this cancer.
Post Title : New Blog

New Blog,


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