Scan Reading

I feel quite lucky that I have a couple of professionals interested in how I am doing, infact I would say I am very lucky.  I sent my scan off to the usual crowd and was pleased to receive a very early reply from Dr Andy Owens.  He does make me laugh with some of his comments and I find that a real comfort and a more enjoyable read.  It's good to know that my right lung is looking normal, if a little expanded to take over some of the work from the left, but at least it is doing it and no trace of that ugly meso in their.  The left he is also pleased with, although my air leak shrinkage has nothing to do with me taking deep breaths its shrinking due to more fluid!! 

I was pleased to read he likes the new grouping of my ribcage, I wrote back and told him it will be a new form of fashion in years to come and everyone will want to have their ribcage re-aligned.  It was good to know that he feels this is why I still have so much pain and discomfort but alas that will not improve and over time probably get worse (my words not his).

He also wrote about the new things that could happen at James Cook and mentioned how difficult it is to get new trials up and running, funding required, patients enrolled and of course all the extra paperwork.  I kind of have him interested in cryo-ablation and I think if Dr Abtin had more published work on the subject it could well become a form of treatment up here in the North.

I hope it could come off, also there is rumour of electrochemo, I have no idea how it works but I presume they inject the chemo into the site then send electric currents in to set it going .. sounds good?  I am sure Andy will put me straight on this procedure at some point in time.  I still have high hopes on cryo, no mess, no poison and very little discomfort.  For RFA you are knocked out and in a theatre, for cryo your under a CT machine while the probes are inserted and semi awake, no overnight stays and a couple of anti-flam's to help ease the discomfort.

In the last year I have heard of more new cases of meso than the previous 4 in our area, it's good to know that doctors are looking out for it more but sad to know that so many of us have been caught out with the cancer. 

I still woke up with that rotten stomach feeling and today have decided to knock 30mil off my morphine morning and night, I will try it all week unless the pain gets to bad and see if this is what's causing the stomach stuff.  Also if I can manage on 120 am and pm then maybe in another week or so I can reduce even further.  After all MST isn't a good muscle pain relief. 

Andy, bless him, said try drinking red wine as that relaxes the muscles, I think I would need to drink quite a few bottles every night which would lead to me having liver problems if I go by my luck. 

Just thought I would share the good news, only need two more responses and if all the same I can sit back and relax, 2010 is going to be a treatment free and cancer free year for me and dare the cancer cross me it had better watch out.

Just need to get myself feeling better and there will be no stopping me, for all of my friends out there on treatment now, remember this is your year to kill the mesothelioma and start a new life in remission.

The Mick Knighton Ball is the 15th May in Newcastle, please check out the website for more information.  I know quite a few will be there and I believe Debbie is travelling up again this year.

Hubby has been baking this afternoon and I can smell the aroma so must go and investigate.

Post Title : Scan Reading

Scan Reading,

Scan Reading


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