Post the Day

I hope you all managed to eat some Christmas Dinner and celebrate the day in reasonable style.  Our whole Christmas took a different turn.  We were having my mam Christmas Day and taking her home on Boxing Day, that went pear shaped and mam came early afternoon Christmas Eve.  We had arranged for a couple of friends to call over at 7 for a little nibble and drinks, they needed to be back at a reasonable time for children etc, but in between we had unexpected but welcome guests arrive at 5.  Since the arrival of mam and the puppy I was up and down every 5 minutes so by 7 I was on my knees.  Instead of our friends leaving at 10 I had to send them home at 8.30 as it takes forever to get my mam ready for bed.  I think we were in bed ourselves for 10, I was exhausted and aching.  With the help of a tesmezepam I had a good nights sleep but Christmas Day the whole up and down continued right through the day. 

To add insult the Pup decided not to have his usual nap and just kept on all day!  We finally got to open santa's gifts around 5 pm but that took forever because the pup was into everything!

I'm pleased there wasn't much on TV as we haven't seen any of it!  We bought a new game for the wii and thought that would be good fun on the night - its still in the packing unopened.

Last night we went up about 9.30 and I took another Tesmezepam before sleep.  This was another good night's sleep and waking up is quite a joy as the pain is so much less.  Obviously I can't take them everynight but I do believe I would have been on my last legs if I hadn't.  As it was by 7 on Christmas Day my Kidney was aching but they had managed to keep the worst pain away for most of the day.

We now have hubby's parents with us for 2 days but at least I'm only up and down for the pup and am sure will get some help with that.

He is a hungry nosed little thing, food is always on his mind or biting. 

It has been a better Christmas in many ways, I'm not thinking about it being my last (as I usually do) or wondering whether the Chemo will be as bad as the last dose (Two different Christmas's worrying over the needle) so I enjoyed it. 

All I really want is a good sleep, to be able to drift off in my chair when I want, I doubt that will happen for a long time to come, but the blame only lies with me as I was the one who pushed for the puppy, forgetting how much hard work they are.  His toilet training is really good, he goes to the door nearly all the time, only a few little accidents in the house - so that is impressive.  the problem is he can go all night without a pee but once he's up he seems to want to go every 10 minutes, think I'll by diapers!

I also scored brownie points as I have eaten extremely well these last couple of days and hopefully the scales will back me up on that.

Looking forward to the new year and wish a very healthy one to you All

Post Title : Post the Day

Post the Day,

Post the Day


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