One Year Old Today - Wish I could say that for Mesothelioma!

I can't believe it's a year today that I started the blog site.  I put the hit counter on in July as I was curious to see if anyone read the blog and to my surprise you do.  I hope that through my journey of writing the blog it has helped at least one person battling this same disease.

On a bright note we turned the computer on this morning and had some wonderful photo's of the puppies, they do make you smile.  Can't believe how far both have grown and they are still only 2 weeks old, obviously Bear is the biggest .. maybe we should call him fat boy slim!  Here they are having a race, obviously not to mammy's teats as Bear is the runner up!

Considering I has been a busy week with interviews, lunches and my spa afternoon I can't believe how much energy I have.  Feel back like I did those few days in September before the radiotherapy.  Hopefully back on the way to recovery.  I wonder if I hadn't gone through the radiotherapy maybe I would have been a lot better these last few months, but I for one think the drain sites are important to get zapped and I am pleased that I did that.

I just want to thank you all for the support you have given me, especially the meso circle, it has been a tough year and I have come through it and for those out there debating on surgery, cryo, or chemicals or anything else that can be tried GOOD LUCK.  It is a hard decision on which course of action to take but follow your heart, your own instincts on what you should do are usually the best and at the end of the day it is your life and your decisions.

If the number's keep rising, which they will, money will have to be spent, as I told the interviewer the houses built up till the late 50's even some in the 60's have asbestos and lets face it how do we know what it looks like.  You do DIY, maybe your parents did, say dad rips out the old floor tiles when you were 5, the disease can stay dormant (say on the worst case) 40 years, 45 and you have mesothelioma.  It isn't a disease that can be traced to a certain date or time.  Maybe mine started when I was 5, I was 38 before any symptoms so it had 33 years to decide how it was going to attack my body.  I believe the disease will start showing up in even younger people a lot earlier, maybe the one off's of 28 will soon become the average age.  I sincerely hope not but you just never know. 

I am revamping the website as I have a few stories to publish and more on treatment but swapping pages over is baffling, Bear's mam is going to have a look when we go up next week as she writes website, and hopefully will point me in the right direction.  So please if you haven't already written something please get going, you don't have to go into to much details or give your own names, just how you think you got it, (if you know), when it started, how long till diagnosis then what treatments you have had.  They all help others and if we can help one other person with this cancer then we have done some good.

Off to work, thank you again for reading the blog, I do hope it has helped someone somewhere.
Post Title : One Year Old Today - Wish I could say that for Mesothelioma!

One Year Old Today - Wish I could say that for Mesothelioma!,

One Year Old Today - Wish I could say that for Mesothelioma!


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